Wednesday, January 14, 2015

An idea with the Big O of the nth Integral of n^n

I had an idea. It was pretty ok, until I realized that it was essentially a variation of the old monkey typewriter cliche, but with computers and physics. I was wondering if someone could get a complete recording of an event, and put all the data points into a computer, with as much accuracy as possible. Then.... nevermind

Or someone could take a picture of something, and use the basic known rules of the universe to generate a model that fulfills all the known criteria of the known rules. Then they could take that picture and use it as a fitness test for the model. The model would have to include all the measurable data possible during,  preceding and following the event, and would include the photographic data as well, including total light input, lens distortion and whatever other data points that could exist, as well as the error that would go into measuring them. This data could in turn be used to generate blocks of particles that would be subject to a list of functions, including known laws of physics.( The functions could be rated on reliability or something in order to vet further functions that would be added later as they were discovered? I dunno, it's a task for someone smarter than me). In order to transfer the data points of the measured into a complete and accurate visual representation, you'd need to be able to completely account for all of the processes that would occur, and it's possible that some of the processes haven't been accounted for, so it would make sense that some sort of mutable data structure would be necessary for the list of functions. Both the set of functions and sets of particles, would be subject to two different  The functions would then generate a simulation of a picture with the blocks of particles. Maybe there's more to this, but I'm in need of sleep.

Ok, alternatively, in the universe where this above idea is real, how about a movie where the actual components of math were so abstracted away that beyond standard math symbols, there'd be unknown symbols and operators that nobody ever knew, simply because they'd been evolved into existence as part of some kind of wild universe simulation run amok.

wow, what if that got even more out of control, and as the machines evolved more and more solutions, they could start to completely replace people, and we just withered away as we slowly lost our function until the machines calculated us to be vestigial. Wait, that's fucking spooky, are machines the next step in evolution? Ideally, 100% unemployment would be great, as well as perfect healthcare for everyone, and complete happiness in the world. As time goes on, technology is providing all sorts of crazy shit. Whoah, wow
this is really fucking with me on a serious and deep emotional level


this whole thing was a bad idea and if you're reading it, I'm sorry for wasting your time. If you ever find out who I am, and ask me for your time back, I will give you a penny, or whatever pocket shrapnel I have.

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