Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I don't know why it is that people feel they are entitled to have someone else listen to them bitch and moan. The irony here is that I'm bitching and moaning about it. I was playing league of legends, and this girl keeps pming me with her issues and does nothing about them. I was in a pretty foul mood to start the day anyways, but this set me off.  If someone is going to sit there, and just complain to you about some physical ailment, without taking any effort to deal with it, you should not feel obligated to listen to their complaining. The fact is that there are some simple things to deal with, and they have a very clear cut route from having a problem to having a solved problem. Even with physical health there are sometimes clear problems and solutions, if you have a cut that's bleeding super badly, deal with it. Disinfect that shit, bandage it, or go to a doctor if it's bad enough. If you have some personal issue with doctors, that's understandable, but the onus is on you to deal with it. I'm not going to sit there and just listen while you complain about blood flowing from your body, while you've done nothing about it. This is a basic fucking issue, and sitting there complaining to me about it is just pure pity bait, complaint does nothing but raise awareness of the problem. This is all extremely hypocritical, considering that all I do is complain and do relatively little to solve the major issues in my life. My complaining does not enlist or force another human being to sit there and read it. My complaining is not pity fishing, and I do not enjoy the company of those that do fish for pity. My complaining is restricted to this blog, which you are reading because you want to, or it is restricted to my friends who know that I would do the same for them. If you're a friend, I'll listen to you whine all day, and I'll try my hardest to help you, because you're a friend. Listening to other people complain and go on about their issues while being completely inactive in their solution is completely exhausting though, and conscripting a stranger to listen to your bullshit is insanely off putting. If you're just some random person on the internet that's does nothing but talk about your own issues, I have zero interest in becoming your friend or ever crossing that threshold that obligates me to tolerate your complaints. So, this girl, she messages me about how she has a cut, and she isn't sure if she needs stitches, and that she's doesn't like going to hospitals or doctors because she had was hospitalized for a suicide attempt. My initial reaction was graceless and without tact, I will admit. Basically I told her that, if it needs stitches, she should deal with it, and secondly, that I wasn't doing "this" any more. I figured it would be pretty obvious, as her pity baiting was pretty obvious, but apparently it wasn't. When pressed, I told her, "I don't play league to be empathetic, I do it to escape the shit in my life. If you have something that needs to be dealt with, deal with it. Either you have a cut that needs stitches, or it doesn't" I'm a little irritated by the whole incident still, and can't remember if I said anything else in my first major response but I wouldn't be surprised if I did, or if it was rude/offensive. It inspired the following response from her, paraphrasing somewhat roughly here, "Sorry for the shittiness in your life, being part of these games with you guys [I play with several people fairly frequently] has really improved my spirits and has helped me cope with the crappiness in my life. I don't have the energy to deal with someone who huffs and puffs about their problems and doesn't talk about them when asked further". Generally it was a fair response to a rude remark, but naturally, I decided to butcher the interaction and say that, "The difference between us is that I don't force my issues on others". What she said about the huffing and puffing pissed me the fuck off.. Mind you, this was in the beginning of a game, so when I came to the end of the game, I went to say that "Now that I'm out of a game, Here's what I've got to say about the huff and puff thing", to which I got a "I don't want to hear it", which got a "fair enough, that's the spirit". After this, I removed her from my contacts on league and on Skype, because I'm a child and no longer want to deal with her. Our initial interactions were ok, they didn't improve and I don't want to put in the time or effort she wants, so I don't feel too bad about removing her, especially as I was considering doing it already. I'm pretty sure I went wrong in not just shutting up, and walking away from my computer while she bitched and moaned to an empty chair, but that feels too dishonest. Maybe I was just feeling miserable and I was just lashing out, maybe I'm incompetent in friendships, or maybe I'm a woman-hater, I don't know why I reacted as strongly as I did, but I did. In any case, that's why I can't play League of Legends anymore.

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