Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Just a few rambling ideas before sleep.

1) What if great artists are actually just addicts to their craft? Isn't anybody who aspires to greatness without this fundamental addiction to the craft itself just chasing dragons?

2) In Mobile Suit Gundam, Episode 17v2, courtesy of Zeonic Corps(What is this, piracy? I swear to god, I just found these episodes on a dvd in the street and didn't think they were pirated at first. when I found out, I immediately cut off all my fingers in shame, and turned the dvds into the nearest police station/stasi headquarters/RIAA gestapoverse/hail satan) about halfway through, the gouf's UI is visible, and it's terrible. It's just a jumble of flashing shapes. I am grateful for UIX designers and what they bring to the table. If I had to deal with the gouf's interface while being attacked by beam rifles, I really don't know what I'd do. All I'm saying is that it was a complete clusterfuck.

3) Yomigaeru! Yomigaeru! Yomigaeru Gandamu!

4) I fell asleep mid-rant last night, and you can see the glorious string of characters I left behind. The problem with that is that I didn't get the time to properly praise the virtues of fish sauce. It's salty, and it tastes good. It's super fucking good with some lime juice and chopped chilis. That's even better when you roast some garlic, shallots, and some motherfuckin tomatoes and throw them in there. If you were to chop up some cilantro and put it in, that shit would be totally out of control. Really, at this point you don't need to do much, but if you were to put that mixture on top of some properly seared steak that was cooked medium rare, I'd definitely have an erection.

5) Despite being at least 20 feet tall, when the original gundam is hiding behind a small hill, it somehow looks sneaky. Also, its facial expression is something. Kai also has a ridiculously large head in some shots.

6) I don't know what to do about my life, it seems that  many of the things I do are just miserable physical excercises that I don't care about. School is terrible, I don't know why I'm still there after all these years. I've spent way too much time there, and am pretty lame for doing so. If anyone else were to spend as much time in school as I have, they'd have a doctorate or something. I haven't even finished community college. I feel like everything I do there is just hopeless. I've got zero motivation, and can't look most of my classmates in the eye. I'm older than them, spent more time in school, and have less to show for it. Basically, I'm a dumbfuck.

7) Lady Kycilia is a jerk, and definitely a strange element to be considered when checking out the female characters with a feminist lens or whatever. She straight blew up a mining base, populated by her own people for the sake of her mission. Definitely throws a curveball on the assumption that all the female characters would be walking stereotypes, unless she's just a different type of stereotype, eeeeehhhh? eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh?

8) This opening has it all, characters changing the direction they're facing, characters running in place, lensflare transitions, and some bitchin jazzy themes.

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